Postpartum Support Group
Your postpartum experience matters.
Sometimes, one in five times actually, this new parenthood thing can be more difficult than we expected.
We think things and dream things and feel things, but we don't say those things out loud because we're ...
... afraid,
... anxious,
... scared someone will judge us,
... ashamed,
... uncertain how to even put words to what we're living through.
We hear you. We see you. We've been you.
Join us for a monthly gathering of postpartum moms living that same life you are. Facilitated by social worker and birth/postpartum doula, Ginger Hollemans, and health educator, Mandi Garvey, this group is a safe space for sharing your experiences and finding new resources.
Babies welcome.
Showers not required.
1st Wednesday of Every Month, 7:00pm
Michigan Born & Raised
2932 Chicago Dr. SW
Grandville, MI 49418
NOTE: Postpartum group is NOT located at Eastown Birth Partners’ office.